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Broadwalk is a Key Stage 3 Pupil Referral Unit with capacity for 40 pupils. All pupils have been permanently excluded from mainstream school or are at risk of such.

The pupils on respite provision are referred through the In Year Fair Access Panel which comprises of all secondary mainstream Headteachers, the LA Officer for Admissions and Exclusions, a LA Assistant Director, the Exec Head of the KS3 and KS4 PRUs and the Head of the Pupil Health Referral Unit. This panel also agrees re-integration for pupils who have been permanently excluded. The centre also operates a partnership intervention provision off site which has early identification of vulnerable pupils and will work with the schools, children and families to prevent permanent exclusion. The PIP (Partnership Intervention Programme) will be off-site in separate accommodation.


The aims of the PRU are to deliver a provision that enables the pupils to make good or better progress and to improve their life chances. There is a focus on re-integration whenever appropriate and the IYFAP ensures that all pupils who make the necessary improvements are given the opportunity to move back into mainstream. The PRU will also assess those pupils who need specialist provision and will co-ordinate Formal Assessments to explore the needs of these children and how they can best be met.

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School closes for half term

Friday 18th Oct 12:00 am



Half term

Monday 21st Oct 12:00 am



Half term

Tuesday 22nd Oct 12:00 am