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The SENCO holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination and has taught in Pupil Referral Units for over 10 years. She also has support and assistance from a pastoral mentor who also has a lot of experience in this area.

Some members of staff have undertaken ELKLAN training to support speech and language needs.All staff members are trained in Team Teach which means they are able to use de-escalation techniques in difficult situations; this also means that they are trained in using physical techniques and interventions if necessary.

Some staff have completed the learning modules in the Inclusion Development Programme (IDP). These cover Dyslexia, Speech, Language and Communication, Autistic Spectrum Needs and Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development.

What ongoing support and development is in place for staff regards supporting children and young people with SEN?

Staff development needs are identified through performance management and appraisals. New techniques are discussed as part of our staff meetings on a weekly basis and they share good practice with each other. The pupils have behaviour logs and progress updates completed on a weekly basis, any pupils not making adequate progress in a month period will be discussed as a full staff team where we will look at alternative interventions we could use to remove the barriers of learning for a young person. This may be in one specific subject area or in a variety of subject areas.

At least one training day a year is dedicated to SEN. All staff are required to attend. Last summer this was around motivation in the classroom and boosting self esteem. This year will be team teach refresher training.

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments and support to the pupils during tests and SATs?

Our SENCO has particular expertise in dyslexia and identifies those pupils who meet the criteria for extra time or a scribe or reader

Staff who scribe or read for pupils receive training from the SENCO. Some pupils need rest breaks and these are arranged based on their circumstances, others may perform better in a separate classroom on a one to one basis.