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Communication with Parents

Regular home school contact to ensure that students’ needs are being met is prioritised by Broadwalk Green.

In addition to the Annual Review, there are three evenings per academic year when parents can come into the centre, see their child’s work and speak with teachers about their child’s progress. We are always happy to take phone calls, text messages or emails from parents and same-day appointments can usually be booked if parents would like to meet a particular member of staff.

Broadwalk Green welcomes feedback from parents. This may be given in a number of ways: in person, by telephone or in writing by letter or email. Parents are encouraged to have their say about Broadwalk Green on Parent View.

Please take a look at the frequently asked questions below for more information.

Please contact our office office if you have any further queries. 

Communication with Parents

How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child?

During induction the parents / carers will meet with the pupil’s mentor, after initial assessments are completed they will be allocated a form tutor who will phone up to introduce themselves. If the pupil has an EHC plan they will also meet with the SENCo to discuss their child’s needs.

Do parents have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an Open Door policy?

Parents can ring and make an appointment to come to speak to staff when necessary.

How do you keep parents updated with their child’s progress?

Parent review days are arranged at the start of each term (3 times a year). However if we have any concerns regarding the progress your child we will contact you to discuss. A pupil’s provision map of education is discussed with the parents so that they are aware of their child’s levels and progress being made. There is an assembly in school every Friday where pupils can receive certificates to reward good progress and behaviour.

How can parents give feedback to the school?

Parent feedback sheets are completed between staff and parents on review day and are kept on file. Also if a parent comes into school for a meeting with the mentor or form tutor this is recorded and kept on the pupil’s profile. Every time a parent is contacted this is recorded in the school office.

Working Together

Do you have home/school contracts?

Parents and pupils sign a contract and code of conduct during their induction to Broadwalk PRU; they also sign a student contact to say that their rights and responsibilities will be adhered to. This is to ensure that both parties will work together to provide the best possible outcome for the child.

What opportunities do you offer for children to have their say? e.g. school council

We run a student council meeting, which meets every half term and has a representative from each form group present. Pupils have the opportunity during form time and mentor sessions to discuss any concerns or suggestions they may have.

What opportunities are there for parents to have their say about their child’s education?

Parent view is very important within the PRU. The curriculum is tailored to the individual needs of the pupil. All pupils have access to the core curriculum however this can be supported by some alternative provision if it is deemed to be beneficial to them.

Annual Reviews

What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?

When pupils come to the PRU with an Education, Health or Care Plan they are still on the roll of their host school, they will inform us when their annual reviews are due as part of their induction.

Pupils will have the opportunity to sit down with their assigned mentor to discuss their views which can be used to contribute towards the annual review; this can be done in an informal chat where the pupil can describe their thoughts and feelings. This will be done in a way that is appropriate for the child, either by writing things down, drawing pictures or through photographs where appropriate. The annual review will be carried out with a variety of different Educational and Health professionals and this is decided on an individual basis according to the needs of the pupil.

Parents will also be invited into school prior to the meeting to discuss their views with regards to their child’s provision and to see what is working and what needs to be done to help them to make progress in school. If the pupil is at a transition time where they are moving on to another school or key stage this will also be discussed to enable this to be as smooth as possible.

What arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs?

Pupils with SEN will meet up with their mentor on a weekly basis to discuss their progress and behaviour in class. The pupil’s form tutor and mentor will have regular contact with parents to discuss successes and weaknesses and support can be increased if we feel a pupil is having difficulties. This may be more support in the classroom or some, one to one work or could involve other agencies being involved to offer further support.